Health, Safety & Environment
Ensuring the health and safety of our people, our communities and the environment is our top priority.
Building An Injury-Free Workplace For the Things that Matter the Most
We are committed to providing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment for our employees, through a comprehensive health, safety and environment protection program. Our policy is to provide quality products and services, while taking all reasonable steps to safeguard and protect our employees, contractors, customers, property, the public and the environment.
Management, supervisors, employees, subcontractors and visitors are required to comply with all applicable Health, Safety and Environmental laws and regulations, as well as company standards, programs, rules, procedures, practices and guidelines. Eagle Well Servicing is committed to meeting or exceeding all applicable legislative requirements.

COR is an initiative that recognizes and rewards employers who go beyond the legal requirements of the Workers Compensation Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation by taking a best practices approach to implementing health, safety, and return-to-work (RTW) programs. The program promotes the concept of managing health and safety equally with other components necessary for a successful business, such as profitability and productivity.